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Gynecomastia Surgery (Male Breast Reduction) In Chicago, IL

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Male breast reduction surgery, also referred to as gynecomastia surgery, can restore the flat and masculine appearance of male breasts that have become enlarged due to gynecomastia. At Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, our team can work with you to formulate a personalized surgical plan so we can provide you with amazing results from your male breast reduction in Chicago.

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a medical term used to label the over development of the male breast. Abnormal male breast development is very common and is thought to be due to an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone and it is also seen in association with medical conditions like heart disease, kidney and liver disease and in patients that take certain prescription medications and marijuana.

Excessive breast development can also be seen patients who are overweight. If male breasts develop, it is important to seek medical advice to be sure the cause is not reversible.

Male Breast Reduction Candidates

If the condition is deemed irreversible and the patient is healthy and emotionally stable, they should consider male breast reduction surgery. During the initial consultation, Dr. Casas will assess the development of your breasts and whether your abnormal breast development can be reversed without surgical intervention. During this time you will be asked to share your desired result so that Dr. Casas can understand your expectations and determine whether they realistically can be achieved. Together, you will decide when and if you are a good candidate for breast reduction surgery.

The best candidates are patients who have diet and exercise resistant excessive male breast development and who also have elastic skin that will contract around the chest muscles after the breast tissue is removed.

Surgery Overview?

Male breast reduction surgery is typically performed in my office under local anesthesia and involves using liposuction and sometimes direct removal of excessive breast tissue. Surgery takes about one hour per breast and involves the removal of gland, fat and rarely skin to achieve the best possible result.

Tissue excision is typically required to treat more severe cases of gynecomastia where there is a larger amount of glandular tissue that need to be removed and when there is the presence of loose excess skin around the breasts. The incisions for this approach are typically made along the natural creases of the chest or along the edges of the areola.

Male Breast Reduction Recovery And Results

Scars are typically small and are always placed in the least visible location. Any surgical drains will be removed a day or two after surgery, at which time your dressings may also be changed or removed. Postoperative care involves wearing compression garments that are sold as work out gear for 2-4 weeks following surgery. Most patients return to work in 2-4 days. Any sexual activity should be avoided for a minimum of two weeks, and Dr. Casas may advise you to wait longer. After that, care must be taken to be extremely gentle with your chest skin for at least 4-6 weeks.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Recovery

Manual Lymphatic Drainage, administered by massage, is used after each procedure to reduce swelling. The number of sessions is individualized. It is important that patients follow a healthy lifestyle leading up to and following procedures, including non-smoking, a healthy diet and daily vitamins. Click here to learn more.

Male Breast Reduction Cost

The cost of your male breast reduction surgery in Chicago will be discussed during your initial consultation at Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The cost will be determined based on the techniques used and other factors. Our team can let you know about the payment options we offer.

Schedule A Consultation

At Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, we strive to provide our patients with amazing surgical care and personalized results that satisfy their aesthetic needs. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation for your male breast reduction surgery in Chicago.

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In the Media

Dr. Laurie Casas is quoted as an expert throughout the world, and can be found on television, online, and in national publications such as the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Cosmopolitan Magazine.

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