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Dr. Laurie Casas Discusses the Non-Surgical Neck Lift

Ultherapy in Glenview – A nonsurgical skin tightening treatment that uses ultrasound to lift and rejuvenate skin without downtime.

Ultherapy is the FDA cleared non-invasive facelift procedure to rejuvenate and tighten skin on the face, forehead and neck. Ultherapy treatments improve wrinkles on the face, neck and décolletage with no downtime. Ultherapy works by administering ultrasound energy to specific depths of skin and muscle with precise ultrasound guidance, which causes tissue tightening and collagen production. Using ultrasound imaging, transducers with different depths are selected and the ultrasound energy can target precise depths of the patients’ lax skin and soft tissue including lax connective tissue of the face and neck. A shallow transducer can be used to target the thin, lax and wrinkled skin of the forehead, around the eyes and mouth and the lax skin of the neck. Due to its mechanical properties, ultrasound is one of the only energy sources that can be focused beneath the skin’s surface at any depth, without affecting the surface tissue.

Reasons Why Dr. Casas Loves Ulthera For Skin Tightening and Wrinkle Reduction of the Face, Neck, Chest, Brow & Forehead

  1. Ultherapy® Earns a Best of Beauty Award for the Third Year in a Row. Ultherapy® has been named “Best Nonsurgical Skin Tightener” in the 2016 Beauty Choice Awards.
  2. Ulthera is precise! We visualize the exact skin and soft tissue layer with the ultrasound probe, and then deliver focused ultrasound energy at a precise temperature, which promotes collagen production and then significant skin tightening in 3-4 months.
  3. There is no downtime, no anesthesia required, manageable pain and the Ulthera procedure takes 15-20 minutes per area. Patients love that no visible or negative signs of the treatment.
  4. Ultherapy is the ONLY non-invasive procedure FDA-cleared to actually lift skin of the neck, chin, brow and forehead; hence Ulthera treatments have been called non-surgical neck lift, brow lift and forehead lift.
  5. Ulthera helps improve sun damage and aging lines and wrinkles of the chest/décolletage. The FDA has specifically cleared Ultherapy to treat and subsequently improve these lines and wrinkles.
  6. Ultherapy stimulates a patient’s own collagen production so the results are gradual over 3-4 months. Patients often prefer gradual improvement vs ‘insta-lift’ from expensive injections.
  7. Dr. Casas believes that you can best fight the aging process by combining medical skin care home treatments, laser superficial skin treatments, and Ultherapy!

Click here to read about Introduction of the 1.5mm Shallow Transducer

Ultherapy can target three different depths: the Dermis (deeper skin), Fat + Connective tissue (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System-SMAS) and Muscle. The Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System (SMAS) is located below the fat and is a strong tissue that envelops the face. It is made up of collagen, elastic fibers, muscle fibers and fat cells. The ultrasound energy produced during an Ulthera treatment, precisely and consistently heats the targeted tissue to 60-70 degrees centigrade, which is the optimal temperature for contraction and denaturation of collagen.1 Other non-invasive devices like, Thermage, are radiofrequency devices which only heat the tissues to 40-50 degrees, which is suboptimal for neocollagenesis.

The results from an Ultherapy treatment work in a two-step process. The first stage is the contraction and denaturing of collagen, which causes an immediate tissue tightening, and resultant lift. The second stage occurs over time while the body’s healing response builds new collagen (neocollagenesis).4 New collagen production is generated over 2-3 months and often continues for 6 months after the treatment. Full results are visible after 3 to 6 months. To optimize your results Dr. Casas will recommend an appropriate diet, supplements and topical skin care regimen.

Dr. Casas will not perform Ultherapy if you have are open wounds or lesions, severe cystic acne in the treatment area, or you have implanted active devices like pacemakers or defibrillators near the targeted area. Temporary side effects of Ultherapy are flushed skin, swelling, tingling and tenderness. Although uncommon, temporary mild bruising and numbness are possible.4 Ultherapy is a great option for patients looking for a non-invasive procedure to tighten lax skin and soft tissues of the forehead, face, neck or décolleté with no surgery, needles or downtime!

Ultherapy procedure VIDEOS

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Reasons for Ultherapy: Brow Lift, Neck Lift, Non-surgical Face Lift and Skin rejuvenation of Décolletage

Good candidates for Ultherapy have mild to moderate skin and soft tissue laxity. Patients may notice that their facial tissue begins to feel loose, and feel and look less firm. Ultherapy treatments can tighten loose skin on the face, neck, sagging skin under the chin and soften lines and wrinkles on the chest. Ultherapy treatments can produce a non-surgical brow lift in patients with drooping or hooded brows. Although using Botox like injections often produce temporary lifting of the brow area, some patients do not respond or do not desire injections. Ultherapy is also a great treatment for adults that are just beginning to see the signs of aging that include face, forehead and neck skin laxity.

Ultherapy Results

According to a study of intense Ultrasound therapy (Ulthera) to facial tissues by Glikich, “the intense ultrasound system allowed for the safe and well-tolerated placement of targeted, precise, and consistent thermal injury zones in the dermis and subcutaneous tissues with sparing of the epidermis.”2

Another study by Suh, reported that Ultrasound therapy (Ultherapy) is “a safe, effective, noninvasive procedure to tighten the facial skin.” This study found that “Improvement is associated with greater production of dermal collagen and straightening of dermal elastic fibers.”3

What to Expect

After a comprehensive consultation and a treatment plan is formulated, the patient is ready for their first Ultherapy treatment! Before photos are taken in order to track the results and the skin is cleansed. The patient sits in a relaxed position in a dimly lit room. Treatment areas will be marked and ultrasound gel is applied. Ultrasound imaging is used to ensure proper placement, the precise transducer is selected for each targeted area and then the ultrasound energy is delivered. Ice-cold rollers are applied before the energy is delivered to keep the procedure comfortable. The treatment can be completed in one 30 to 90 minute session depending on the size treatment areas. After the procedure, there is little to no downtime or interruption of daily routine. A follow up is scheduled to take post treatment photos. Full results are visible after 3-6 months. Patients typically only need one procedure but treatment plans are individualized depending on each patient’s skin laxity and treatment goals. As with all procedures, results may vary.

Maximization and Maintenance of Treatment Results

In order to maximize the positive inflammatory response created by Ultherapy avoid the use of anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen and Celebrex for 1 month following the procedure. This inflammatory response is necessary to allow your body to stimulate collagen fiber formation and modeling.4

To maintain and maximize the results, Dr. Casas will recommend a prescription strength skin care regimen. Medical grade skin care products stimulate collagen production from the outside- in, which typically potentiate the effects of your Ultherapy treatment.


Ultherapy is a safe, reliable and non-invasive skin and tissue tightening treatment for the forehead, face, chin, neck and décolletage with virtually no downtime. Book your appointment today in Northern suburb of Glenview at Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery to build your Ultherapy treatment plan! Call us at (847) 657-6884.

Ultherapy – Non-Surgical Brow Lift

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* Individual results may vary.

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What is Ultherapy?

Ultherapy is the FDA cleared non-invasive procedure used to lift and tighten the skin. The Ultherapy procedure can also be performed to create a custom non-surgical brow lift. Ultrasound is a form of energy that is significantly different than light (Lasers) and electrical (Radio-Frequency) energy. Ultherapy works by administering ultrasound energy in the form of heat to specific depths of skin and muscle with precise ultrasound guidance, which causes tissue tightening and collagen production. When the tissue is tightened above the brow, the brow is lifted. Ultherapy can be used not only to lift the brow, but also to treat wrinkled skin on the forehead.

How does it work?

The results from an Ultherapy treatment work in a two-step process. The first stage is the contraction and denaturing of collagen, which causes an immediate tissue tightening, and resultant lift. The second stage occurs over time while the body’s healing response builds new collagen (neocollagenesis).1 New collagen production is generated over 2-3 months and often continues for 6 months after the treatment. Full results are visible after 3 to 6 months.

Who is the ideal candidate?

The ideal candidate has mild to moderate skin laxity. Ultherapy can help patients so that their eyelid does not feel so heavy. Patients’ with hooded or droopy lids may feel like neurotoxins aren’t as effective as they used to be to lift the brows. Ultherapy above the brows is a great alternative or addition to a neurotoxin regimen.

Do I need time off work?

There is no downtime post Ultherapy and patients can return to their daily activities including the gym or work! Book your appointment today in Glenview for your Ultherapy treatment with Dr. Casas and her staff.


  1. ULTHERA® . Customer Training Manual. Mesa, AZ: Ulthera Inc;

Ultherapy Testimonials

Kybella- Chin Contouring Got Rid of My Double Chin at 29 and Ultherapy tightened the Skin Under My Chin

I am a 29 year old female and I was very bothered by my double chin. Regardless of how much I dieted, exercised or lost weight I could always see my double chin in the mirror. I went to Dr. Casas and she suggested the new treatment, Kybella- Chin Contouring. She explained that Kybella- Chin Contouring is a cytolytic agent that dissolves the fat under the chin. I was so thrilled to have an easy, non-surgical solution. She also explained it if there was a little loose skin left after the fat was gone, she could then tighten it with Ulthera.

Dr. Casas injected lidocaine in the area first. Then, she injected the Kybella- Chin Contouring which was totally painless because I was numb. I was swollen for a few days. After about 6 weeks, I saw a huge improvement in the area! I was so happy to finally get rid of my ugly double chin. We both noticed because I do not have a deep chin, Ulthera could help tighten the skin chin under my chin. I had one small treatment virtually painless treatment with Ulthera. After two to three months , and both non surgical treatments, I now have a beautiful neck line. I would recommend Dr. Casas , Kybella- Chin Contouring and Ulthera for anyone bothered by fullness under their chin.”

Ultherapy for Lower Lid Lift, Rejuvenation and Tightening

I am a 35 year old female and I just began noticing that my eyes look very tired. I hated when people would ask me if I was tired after a full nights sleep. One doctor recommended filler on my cheeks to hide the bags but I didn’t feel ready for injections. I had also tried all sorts of eye creams which did not provide a noticeable result. I asked Dr. Casas what she recommended for a young 35 year old. Dr. Casas and her physician assistant recommended Ultherapy which they explained is an ultrasound technology that sends heat energy to different depths of the skin to create collagen. I was very excited to have a non invasive treatment option! The treatment was quick and not very painful. I noticed results right away which she explained was the contraction of the tissue. After three months, I noticed the skin tightening and was very impressed when I saw my before and after pictures! I also noticed increased quality and texture of the skin. I will be getting another treatment 3 months later and we are already discussing other parts of my face and neck that I can treat next to prevent the signs of aging as I get older. Ultherapy is amazing!”


  1. Fabi, Sabrina Guillen, et al. (2015). “Noninvasive skin tightening: focus on new ultrasound techniques”. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2015; 8: 47–52.
  2. Gliklich, R. E., W. M. White, et al. (2007). “Clinical pilot study of intense ultrasound therapy to deep dermal facial skin and subcutaneous tissues.” Arch Facial Plast Surg 9(2): 88-95.
  3. Suh, D. H., M. K. Shin, et al. (2011). “Intense focused ultrasound tightening in asian skin: clinical and pathologic results.” Dermatol Surg 37(11): 1595-1602.
  4. ULTHERA® . Customer Training Manual. Mesa, AZ: Ulthera Inc;
  5. Alam, M., et al., Ultrasound tightening of facial and neck skin: a rater-blinded prospective cohort study. J Am AcadDermatol, 2010. 62(2): p. 262-9.
  6. Chan, N.P., et al., Safety study of transcutaneous focused ultrasound for non-invasive skin tightening in Asians. Lasers Surg Med, 2011. 43(5): p. 366-75.
  7. Laubach, H.J., et al., Intense focused ultrasound: evaluation of a new treatment modality for precise microcoagulation within the skin. Dermatol Surg, 2008. 34(5): p. 727-34.
  8. Lee, H.S., et al., Multiple Pass Ultrasound Tightening of Skin Laxity of the Lower Face and Neck. Dermatol Surg, 2011.
  9. Weiss, M., Commentary: noninvasive skin tightening: ultrasound and other technologies: where are we in 2011? Dermatol Surg, 2012. 38(1): p. 28-30.

In the Media

Dr. Laurie Casas is quoted as an expert throughout the world, and can be found on television, online, and in national publications such as the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Cosmopolitan Magazine.

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