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Plastic Surgery Precision TX Testimonial Chicago

I’m 40 and fabulous thanks to Dr. Casas!!!!!

Trying to look younger that I am wasn’t as important to me as not looking old for my age

I eat well, work out and have good skincare habits but I had a ‘jowly’ face and kind of a double chin so I thought I could probably benefit from a facelift.

I consulted with Dr. Laurie A. Casas and was so happy that I did! She helped me see that I actually didn’t need a facelift, but that a little definition in my neck area could make a difference.

She presented an option called Precision Tx.

She explained that it would tighten the area and make it more defined and less saggy. The best part was that I would not have to undergo general anesthesia or have the same size of stitches behind my ears in the same way I thought I would for a facelift.

She was so right! The surgery was in her office and I was amazed that I did not need general anesthesia and I was home in about 2 ½ hours. While I admit I was a bit anxious at first, she quickly put me at ease the minute she came in the room. All my anxiety just melted away as I knew I was in her very capable hands. She is extremely competent and never stops caring about her patients. I truly appreciated how meticulous she is.

I am 6 months post-op and so happy! It really made a difference.

“I’m turning 60 and I’ve never looked better!”

I’m turning 60 soon and I was really disgusted with my sagging chin and neck. I saw several plastic surgeons for a facelift. In my search for a firmer, uplifted look, I heard various approaches and estimates. After discussing with my daughter who is a nurse, I selected Dr. Laurie A. Casas. She has an outstanding reputation and I felt safe with her.

One of the things I liked is that she recommended treating my neck area, and pointed out that I really didn’t need a whole facelift based on my elasticity. I felt she was honest and trustworthy and was not trying to ‘upsell’ me in any way. After considerable thought I scheduled my surgery. Dr. Casas has a great approach that made me feel comfortable and alleviated minor anxiety I had about surgery. You have a pre-surgical appointment where Dr. Casas explains in great detail what to expect during the procedure, what kind of medications to avoid before surgery, her vitamin recommendations, etc. I also got a schedule with my appointments so I would be able to coordinate activities afterwards. Her style is very thorough and I felt she was interested in me as a person as well as a patient. She really listens!

The surgery was in her office so I already felt comfortable with her staff and the location. The procedure was about 2 hours and I was home resting about 30 minutes later! Dr. Casas called to check in on me that evening and I saw her 2 days later. It has been 8 months and I am so pleased.

It was a very pleasant experience and I would recommend it to anyone.

Love my neck at 70!!!

At 70 I decided to finally do something about my turkey neck. I have put off going to see Dr. Casas because I thought that I would need a big surgical neck lift and facelift to get a natural result. After seeing her, she explained that I could improve my old saggy neck with a new procedure called Precision Tx. She also told me I had to start really taking care of my skin. I love the sun, but she explained that my face, neck and chest skin was very sun damaged. She prescribed an intense skin care program that would reverse many signs of the sun damage, but also told me that even after an intense home system by Jan Marini and the minimally invasive procedure called Precision Tx, I would have to give up sun tanning and finally start taking care of my skin. All I can say is Dr. Casas war right! It has all worked! I did the skin care program religiously for 12 weeks. Then I had the procedure in her office. I came in that day and while listening to music and after taking a few pills to relax me, Dr. Casas and her staff took me into the procedure room. After a few shots to numb my neck skin, she passed a tiny laser under my skin and heated up the fat and then the skin. It was virtually painless. I walked out of the office with a head wrap and returned in three days to get it removed. Then she prescribed Manual Lymphatic Drainage three times a week. As my neck skin shrunk and tightened I was amazed! She’s amazing but really honest. Dr. Casas explained I had to continue to do my skin care regimen and that I would always have to wear sun block to protect my new neck skin. I look 15 years younger and I did not need a big surgery! Dr. Casas and her staff are wonderful. I always tell any one who asks to go talk to Dr. Casas. If you have a question about what you can do at home or if there are any procedures that are available to help you look natural and younger she will honestly tell you what you can do and what procedures are safe and really deliver on their promises. She will always be honest , but if you are willing to work with her, she can help you look your best no matter how old you are!

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* Individual results may vary

In the Media

Dr. Laurie Casas is quoted as an expert throughout the world, and can be found on television, online, and in national publications such as the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Cosmopolitan Magazine.

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