Dr. Casas is now offering Online Consultations

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Forever Clear BBL HERO™ Acne Reduction

Forever Clear BBL acne reduction treatment can produce outstanding results. The Forever Clear BBL treatment uses a combination of blue, yellow, and infra-red light to eliminate bacteria and reduce inflammation, while also helping to decrease the appearance of existing scars. This results in clearer skin while also preventing new breakouts.

Pulses of light energy break down scar tissue, causing new tissue that is lighter in color and more even in texture to form in its place. New collagen develops, resulting in smoother looking skin. It works on any skin type, from very light to very dark skin. A simple procedure, it can take just 30 minutes per session; most people need three to five sessions for optimum results. Patients can usually resume their normal activities immediately following the session, making this a simple procedure to schedule. There is little to no downtime.

CALL NOW for an in-depth Consultation 847-657-6884

In the Media

Dr. Laurie Casas is quoted as an expert throughout the world, and can be found on television, online, and in national publications such as the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Cosmopolitan Magazine.

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