The nose is a central focal point of the face for which all other aspects are compared and is essential in determining overall facial harmony. Because of the importance of the nose, rhinoplasty procedures (nose jobs) are one of the most common cosmetic plastic surgeries. Placing your trust in an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Casas is essential to achieving exceptional results.

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How Much Does a Nose Job Cost in Chicago?

The cost of rhinoplasty in Chicago can range from $5,000 to $13,000 or more depending on several factors. For those preferring a non-surgical correction to the nose, procedures using dermal fillers can provide dramatic changes without the recovery and higher price tag. Regardless of the technique, the goal of each procedure is to create a more aesthetically pleasing nose and an improved facial harmony.

In some cases, the procedure outcomes do not meet the patient’s expectations and leave them disappointed with the result. Revision rhinoplasty can be used to correct the mistakes made during the initial nose job and can range in cost from $12,000 to $15,000.


What Is Included in the Rhinoplasty Cost?

During the initial consultation with Dr. Casas, a customized plan will be developed, allowing her to provide you with a final cost for the procedure. This price will include the surgeon fee, surgical facility fees, costs associated with performing the surgery, and the bandages and follow-up appointments after surgery. This upfront pricing allows you to understand the level of investment needed and reduce the financial stresses of the procedure.


Factors Determining the Cost of a Rhinoplasty

The overall costs of a nose job depend on the extent of correction required, geographic location, surgeon experience, and fees associated with the surgical facility. 

Extent of Correction

The complexity of the correction can significantly alter the length of the procedure, resulting in a more expensive surgery. If additional procedures are required to accomplish the overall goals of the cosmetic surgery, the costs may be higher. 

Geographic Location

Larger cities, like Chicago, will typically have a higher demand for cosmetic surgeries and higher operational costs, resulting in increased operative costs. 

Surgeon’s Experience

Rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that requires experience and expertise to provide consistent, high-quality results. Experienced plastic surgeons often have fewer complications and fewer surgeries requiring a revision. For these reasons, they are in higher demand and often have higher prices to remain competitive. However, given the increased cost of revision rhinoplasty, paying more to get it right the first time will save money in the long run.

Surgical Fees

The majority of rhinoplasty procedures are performed under general anesthesia in a surgery center or hospital. This increases the cost of the surgery as facility fees and anesthesia fees will need to be added to the total price.


Does Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty Procedures?

The majority of nose jobs are classified as cosmetic procedures by insurance companies and thus are not covered procedures. Therefore, this leaves patients having to pay out-of-pocket for the procedure; however, during the initial consultation, a detailed summary of the cost of the procedure is discussed.

In cases where rhinoplasty is performed to correct structural defects that impair breathing, the procedure is considered medically necessary and will be covered by insurance. If you are having a rhinoplasty procedure for this reason, you will need to make a case to your insurance before scheduling the procedure. Having tried and failed multiple other treatment options will help increase the likelihood your insurance will cover the procedure.


Are Financing Options Available?

Yes. Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is committed to ensuring every patient has access to surgical procedures that can transform their appearance and enhance their self-esteem. Dr. Casas’ office provides various financing options, assisting in paying for the surgery over time. However, before proceeding with surgery, it is important to make sure this procedure makes financial sense for your situation.


Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Surgical or non-surgical rhinoplasty procedures can provide dramatic improvements in the aesthetic appearance of the nose. Deciding on which type and whether or not to have a nose job depends on the individual goals and needs of the patient. An ideal candidate will have cosmetic or functional reasons to undergo the procedure and should be in good overall health.

Age can also play a role in deciding if a surgical rhinoplasty is the best choice. While patients of all ages can undergo a nose job, it is recommended that patients wait until the skeletal and soft-tissue growth has been completed in the face. This typically occurs at 16 years of age. 

Having rhinoplasty surgery is a big decision, patients should have a clear understanding of the possible risks and complications of the surgery. Patients should be in a good mental state and have realistic expectations for the procedure.


What Are The Benefits of a Nose Job?

Rhinoplasty procedures can provide both cosmetic and functional benefits to the existing nasal structure and erase years of insecurities and self-consciousness about one’s appearance. A rhinoplasty can:

  • Improve facial symmetry and harmony between other facial features
  • Smooth the contour of the nasal bridge
  • Reduce the size of the nasal tip
  • Alter the shape of the nostrils
  • Improve breathing and correct a deviated septum
  • Enhance the overall aesthetic appearance of the face


Schedule a Consultation with Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

The nose serves as the focal point of the face, giving your profile its structure and shape and setting the tone for the harmony between other facial features. A nose that is too big or small or too crooked or straight can disrupt facial symmetry and reduce the aesthetics of the face. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Laurie A. Casas, a board-certified plastic surgeon, has helped hundreds of patients regain their confidence with a rhinoplasty procedure.

Ready to enhance your overall appearance? Schedule a rhinoplasty consultation today by calling our office at 847-657-6884.