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Plastic Surgery Blog Chicago

Dr. Laurie A. Casas Quoted in WebMD Feature Article – May 2008

Dr. Casas is quoted in a WebMD Feature discussing “How Will Breast Implants Change Your Life?” This feature discusses the life changing effects of breast implants, realistic surgical expectations and different reasons patients seek-out breast procedures. “They truly feel they have a deformity,” Casas tells WebMD. “They don’t feel they have a normal body part. […]

What Can I Do to Ease the Pain of My Lip Lift?

QuestionI had a “lip lift” also known as “upper and lower lip advancement” 2 years ago. To be more specific on what I had: A lip lift is performed to shorten the long lip of aging, allowing the upper teeth to show slightly when the lips are slightly parted. It turns up the upper lip […]

Dr. Casas quoted in NewImage – July 2008

NewImage.com quotes Dr. Laurie Casas in a discussion regarding “Are you too old for plastic surgery?” According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, people over the age of 50 account for 31% of all plastic surgery procedures done in the United States. Therefore Dr. Casas ensures her patients have realistic expectations for procedures […]

Options for Sagging Arms, Stomach and Thighs

QuestionI have lost 65 pounds and now look like a melting candle. What options do I have for my sagging arms, stomach, thighs? Answer Congratulations on the weight loss! I understand the need to alter the “melting candle” look resulting from this dramatic drop in weight. To achieve your desired image we might be looking […]

Neck Lift with Liposuction to get a fresh faced Look

Question I am interested in having a neck lift. Can you tell me about the procedure. I heard it is a procedure? Answer Depending on your situation perhaps a facelift or neck lift would help you reach your goal of a “tighter” yet not ‘too tight’ fresh faced look. If you have good skin elasticity […]

Female Plastic Surgeon in Chicago North Shore, Dr. Laurie Casas

We do a lot of writing about cosmetic procedures (both surgical and non-surgical) but we don’t say much about one of the top female plastic surgeon’s in Chicago, and this website’s founder, Dr Laurie Casas. So let us embellish a bit. Dr. Laurie Casas has been proudly serving the Chicago North Shore area and has […]

Lipo, Tummy Tuck or Both?

Question: After lipo do you need a tummy tuck? Is there alot of skin left hanging? Answer: You may or may not need both. It depends on an individuals skin elasticity. When a patient has rapid weight gains or losses (pregnancy for example) sometimes the skin does not bounce back. The patient can pull it […]

Help my Hair grow back!

Question: Does low level light therapy help grow hair back? I have seen some good results! Answer: Dr. Casas’s partner, Dr. Josie Tenore from Turn Back Time medispa has been kind enough to answer this one! According to Dr. Tenore: “There are some preliminary studies that have shown this to be true. In fact there […]

Can I correct white scarring from Sclerotherapy?

Question: Is it possible to correct white scarring from Sclerotherapy? Answer: For those who aren’t familiar with Sclerotherapy treatment, allow me to give you a quick explanation. Sclerotherapy is looked upon as the preferred procedure when it comes to eliminating spider veins. This procedure is typically successful for medium to large veins. Treatment involves injecting […]

If you can only do one thing…

At Casas Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, our goal is to help you find your best solution! There are so many options these days, with a wide range of prices, that it is easy to feel overwhelmed, or unsure about what steps to take, and when, to look your best! We listen carefully to our patients and […]

In the Media

Dr. Laurie Casas is quoted as an expert throughout the world, and can be found on television, online, and in national publications such as the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Cosmopolitan Magazine.

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